Meet Author, Brittney Buller

Brittney Buller M.S., CCC-SLP
Rehabilitation Institute, Program Director
St. Mary's Regional Medical Center
Email: rbbslp4life@gmail.com
In her words...
In 1990, I graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a minor in Speech Pathology. I went on to get my Master's of Science degree in Communication Disorders from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in 1992. Since that time, my career has mainly been working with adults. I was the Speech Pathology Supervisor for St. Mary's Regional Medical Center for 21 years, and am now currently the Director for Inpatient Rehabilitation. Over the years, speech pathologists and speech students started asking me for copies of specific materials I had created to use with their patients. I also started copying and sending these materials home with patients for practice. For the past 5 years, our speech pathology department has been successfully using these materials exclusively in acute care, inpatient rehab, SNF, and outpatient. We no longer have had to purchase multiple workbooks and the patients have really enjoyed the variety and complexity of the materials. It wasn’t until last year that I actually compiled it all into a workbook format. That is how the Higher and Lower Level Cognitive Retraining workbook came to be.
There are 7 sections in the workbook thought organization, concepts of time, functional activities for cognition, reasoning, problem solving, and money and finance. Each section goes from easy (concrete) to more difficult (abstract). In each section, there is a large variety of materials that address each specific skill. This workbook has saved me a lot of time when planning therapy sessions for patients and has also been great when providing patients with home programs so they can attempt easy concepts and move towards more advanced concepts.
The Higher and Lower Level Cognitive Retraining workbook is copyrighted by the United States Library of Congress. It is printed on high quality paper, is spiral bound, and is easy to use. It really is the only book you will need for adult cognitive retraining.