There are seven sections in the workbook thought organization, concepts of time, functional activities for cognition, reasoning, problem solving, and money and finance. Each section goes from easy (concrete) to more difficult (abstract). In each section, there is a large variety of materials that address each specific skill. This workbook can save a lot of time when planning therapy sessions for patients and has also been great when providing patients with home programs so they can attempt easy concepts and move towards more advanced concepts.
This book is full of excellent material that is practical and functional for a wide variety of patients. It is great for patients who’ve had a stroke or TBI in that these activities are what patients need to actually be able to do when they go home such as managing finances, medications, shopping lists, etc. This workbook is also essential for patients who have dementia for orientation, remote memory, and basic problem solving. It also can be used as a resource for some patients with aphasia utilizing the lower level tasks with reading, fill in the blank, some sequential naming, and convergent thinking which helps cue for word finding.
This 300 page, two-in-one volume workbook is a valuable resource for cognitive retraining, because it has everything you need for your daily cognitive retraining therapy sessions including memory, problem solving, thought organization, sequencing, and functional daily living cognitive tasks. Each section begins with lower level tasks and works through higher level tasks for patients who wish to return to work or manage their own homes independently.